Home 未分類 Metagen as judge in TECH PLAN Demo Day in Malaysia 2019!

Metagen as judge in TECH PLAN Demo Day in Malaysia 2019!


On 20th July 2019, Metabologenomics Inc. (Metagen) which is the premier international partners for Nest-Bio Venture Lab has joined in the TECH PLAN Demo Day in Malaysia 2019!

Dr. Tatsuhiro Nomaguchi, a researcher and Global Business Department of Metabologenomics Inc. has participated as judge to hear ideas from 12 finalists who are local startups and university researchers in their attempt to use the power of science and technology to solve global challenges.

Dr. Nomaguchi as judge during the TECH PLAN Demo Day in Malaysia 2019.

Due to the promising technology and solutions showcased by the finalists, several new awards were added in by the corporate judges including Special Award by Metabologenomics Inc. with the intention to provide necessary support for the team to launch and accelerate further.

A&M Food won the Special Award by Metabologenomics Inc.

Special Award
Metabologenomics Inc.
Award Content: 100,000 JPY cash prize and invitation to attend Food-Tech Venture Conference in Singapore to be held on 29th August 2019.
Team Name: A&M Food (UPM)
Theme: VeggieFruit Noodle
Judge’s comment: “Delicious samples!”, “ I believe the technology can be helpful for children all around the world.”, “ Product is nice for our guts. Please send more samples to Japan!”

Congratulations to team A&M Food!

We look forward to the contribution of A&M Food in solving world issues.

Our award recipients for TECH PLANTER Demo Day in Malaysia 2019: https://en.lne.st/2019/07/21/tpmy2019_winners/


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Doctor of Philosophy, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. She received her first degree in Bachelor Science majoring in Microbiology from Universiti Sains Malaysia and then pursue to Master in Philosophy at Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT), UTM Kuala Lumpur in Biomedical Engineering. Upon completion, she continued to Doctor in Philosophy focusing in Agriculture and Soil Science. At Leave a Nest Malaysia, Syazwani is with the Research Development Division. She showed her passion in discovering, conducting and consulting research project with mission to advancing science and technology for global happiness.


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